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Beach Invasion
Aim Training Mod
CTF Game Mode
Steel Division Mod
UE5 Multiplayer project
3D Game Engine
Other Projects
Contact Info

Eren Atcı

Portfolio Website

Game Programmer, Modder, Interested in Multiplayer Game Programming

Worked on Released Steam Game Called Beach Invasion 1944 and Currently Working on COOP Beach Invasion 1945 Pasific at AIx2 Games.

Published Game Projects

Beach Invasion 1945 Pacific

Steam Page

Description WIP

Made a multiplayer project from Beach Invasion 1944 which means a completely changed structure of the project everything is made from scratch or heavily modified from Beach Invasion 1944

Lead 2 other programmers

Released at 19/12/2023

COOP Shooter Game

Beach Invasion 1944

Steam Page

Description WIP

Published Modding Projects

Aim Training Mod

Visit Steam Workshop SiteGithub

Most Downloaded infantry training Mod for the game called Squad

A training range where can players try all weapons from different factions

Includes different variations of AI bots, shooting ranges, pop-up targets

• Modified faction to hold all inventory items for easy access

• Flick training range

• Shooting ranges that have moving soldier targets with different speeds.

• Eliminated soldiers are revived instantly, and have a sound indicator when hit

• 2 CQB sites which include custom-modified AI soldiers.

• Sites with pop-up dummies (with in-game buildings)

AI modifications were mostly done for optimization reasons but added a little bit of custom logic to change the time for aim and time to kill

These AI soldiers can be spawned randomly at fixed places so the player will have diverse training experiences.

• It is heavily optimized. Performs at +140 fps even for lower-end machines. this success was achieved with profiling tools and a level streaming method

• It has been up to date since 2020 April

Capture the Flag Game Mode

Visit Steam Workshop SiteGithub

A Gamemode inspired by the Call of Duty 2 game. Multiplayer-ready ready fully replicated, including pop-up UI notifications. None of the blueprints uses Squad game-related logic so it is ready to use for all Unreal Engine versions.

It has the same attributes as Call of Duty 2 such as:

• Carrying a flag

• Dropping a flag from enemy

• Returning flag to base

• Capturing a flag (both flags should be on the same base)

• When a flag is dropped team symbol appears on the position of the flag and disappears when the flag is taken

All of the listed actions have distinct sounds and UI messages

Steel Division

Steam Workshop SiteGithubV3.0 TrailerImpact Studios Discord

One of the most downloaded and the most popular Mod of Squad

Total Conversion mod which is based on night vision and modern warfare

Group modding project

Paratrooper Command Call

Made changes at vanilla airstrike command call to make it usable for active spawn point. When the Team commander chooses paratrooper action, a transport plane appears on the map and for a brief moment, players can select a spawn point as a paratrooper action and jump from the plane. The jumping sequence is unique thing is about this action because it does not use cinematics or seats. Players can walk inside the plane. They do not push other players or block each other and they can jump from the tail of the plane. The parachute opens at a fixed altitude. Players can move in midair

Fast Insertion Rope Extraction System

Non-attack helicopters have FIRES system to enable users to jump from helicopters and land safely and at a fast pace. Helicopter pilots can drop the ropes at less than 30 meters altitude and low speed by using a landing camera functionality. Ropes drop down from socket to ground via UE4 cable actor

Admin Cam Panel

For easy use for admin tools

• Warn, Kick, and Ban players from the server these functionalities come from squad SDK however unique thing about this panel is admins can choose players at runtime without typing or scrolling a list they just have to aim and shoot with a small crosshair to select players.

• The Admin panel can also spawn vehicles at the current position of the admin camera. The vehicle list can be changed from the data table so other team members don't have to deal with hardcoded variables of Squad SDK.

• Lastly, the admin panel can also change the level to day or night via a single button

This panel gives freedom to server owners/admins, easy access to base and custom game settings

The admin panel can be minimized and removed completely from the screen. All of the listed functionalities are replicated.

Javelin And Stinger Weapons

• Javelin and Stinger missiles with flare/countermeasure system

• Because of the project's technical budget and modding/blueprint programming limitations, I had to use Unreal Engine homing projectile functionality

• When a Stinger missile is launched a warning sound is triggered for pilots and depending on the distance between the missile and the Helicopter, pilots have to drop flares

Unreal Engine 5 Multiplayer Angel Game page (demo playable)

Project Angel is heavily inspired by creatures called "Weeping Angels" from the Doctor Who series

The goal of the project is to obtain 5 target items without "completely" caught/dying

An early version demo is available at

To create the Angels and multiplayer ready playable demo I had to create:

• A Chase Behaviour For Large Maps

• Used navigation invokers instead of making a navigation mesh for all across the map

• Interaction interface

• Including but not limited to Health, respawn, inventory, AI, P2P connection, Menu System, and Random Item Spawn logics for this multiplayer project

• Playable demo can be downloadable (more features will be added)

DirectX11 3D Engine

GithubTutorial Playlist that I follow

WIP tutorial follow-up project where I started to learn from the pardcode youtube channel.

Trying to understand and learn basics and architecture of game engine fundamental topics such as graphics APIs and resource management.

Additional to this tutorial I am trying to cover collision detection algorithms and modern C++ programming.

For now I learned the basics of:

• Swap Chain, Device Context, Drawing and coloring primitives with Matrices

• Vertex and Pixel Shaders and their usage

• Observer Design pattern for input system

• Lightning and camera related topics

• Vertex, Index, Constant buffers, and GPU architecture

Squad Vietnam

Steam Workshop Site Coming SoonGithubProject TeaserSquad Vietnam Discord

Total Conversion mod which is based on Vietnam War

Group modding project

Squad Vietnam is currently in development but close to release. You can still download my work from the GitHub

In this project addition to traps and command calls I was responsible for:

• Faction setups(including command actions setups)

• Role inventory setups

• Gameplay Layer setups for maps

• GameMode setups

• Update of the mod to the latest live version of squad and squad SDK

• and any engine or SDK-related problem

Custom 2D Engine SFML Zombie Game page (demo playable)Udemy Course That I Followed

A 2D Zombie shooter game that runs on custom 2D engine

Project has been followed from Udemy course

I always liked and played "SAS: Zombie Assault" games and it felt nice to start the engine programming from the basics

• 3 Different Zombies

• Health and Ammo pickups

• A basic game where I used the SFML library and 2D gameplay logic

Contact Info

• Email:

• Email:

• Linkedin:

• Discord: ERENEJ#3809

Ongoing Projects

Currently working on COOP Beach Invasion 1945.

I also work on 3D game engine-related topics such as collision detection and rendering basics.